
Pronto Chocolate is the leading chocolate Manufacturer that has been producing and distributing packaged chocolate and confectionery products for the Ethiopian market.

We believe that food has the power to bring people together, and we take pride in the role that our products play in creating shared experiences and moments of joy. Whether it’s a piece of chocolate shared between friends, a box of truffles gifted to a loved one, or a bag of candy enjoyed on a family road trip, our products have the ability to create memories and build relationships.

Founded in 2018, our innovative operations allow us to produce premium quality chocolate and confectionery products. Our factory is located on ring road in between Saris Abo and Kality Maseltegna (Kality driver’s training center).


In addition to our commitment to using high-quality ingredients and traditional production techniques, our mission to create chocolate and confectionery products that people love and enjoy daily is also driven by a desire to foster a sense of community and connection.

To support this mission, we are constantly innovating and experimenting with new flavors, textures, and packaging to keep our products fresh and exciting. We listen closely to feedback from our customers, using their input to shape our product development and ensure that we are meeting their needs and preferences.

Social Responsibility

We are also committed to giving back to our community and supporting causes that align with our values. Whether it’s through charitable donations, volunteer work, or partnerships with local organizations, we strive to make a positive impact on the world around us.
Ultimately, our mission to create chocolate and confectionery products that people love and enjoy daily is about more than just making delicious treats. It’s about building relationships, fostering a sense of community, and spreading joy and happiness through the power of food.